A Welcome Letter to All Families

A Welcome Letter to All Families

Dearest Families,

Welcome to the 2017-18 school year at Rainbow Community School and Omega Middle School. This is a very special year; it is Rainbow’s 40th anniversary.

In 1977, three visionary, highly educated women, who believed that education had the power to enlighten the world, decided to open a school founded on love.


Teach Love

Love — what a revolutionary theme for a school! It was so radical that these women spent a year educating parents about what a holistic school founded on love truly means.

Our founders began every school day – just as we do today– with centering, a mindful and heartful time used to create a compassionate classroom and support children in building a relationship with their higher selves.


Grow Love

Love is such a necessary part of being human that when love is nourished, children feel they can be themselves, freeing up their intellectual and creative abilities to become geniuses.

Children thrive when surrounded by love!

Because our children have thrived, our school has flourished.

Little did our founders know that 40 years later, the little school they had opened in a Sunday School room at All Souls Church, would have 222 students enrolled and be located on five and a half acres of central, verdant land.


Inspire Love

Love is contagious!

Not only does it spread from person to person, but when children feel loved, they in turn fall in love with learning.

What these founding women knew intuitively has since been empirically proven.

Thanks to MRI and other neurological technology that didn’t exist in 1977, we now know that emotions are deeply embedded into the brain’s learning processes.

Motivation is fueled by positive emotions, and when children are motivated to learn they can embody their whole selves, expressing their unique passions and sharing their diverse gifts.


Spread Lovewelcome

Still today – 40 years later – we believe, just as our founders did, that an education based on love builds a solid foundation for strong communities.

Recently RCS founded Rainbow Institute with the purpose of spreading the Rainbow model of education.

This October 6 and 7 we hold our second annual More Than Mindfulness Conference.

This being our Fortieth Anniversary, one of our founders, Nura Laird (aka Ashrita Laird) is traveling from the University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism in California where she chairs the Department of Peacemaking, to give a keynote address on founding a heart-based school.

We are inviting all friends of Rainbow – including all of our former parents, students, and faculty – to attend the conference.

Alumni will also have a special opportunity to share stories about the fascinating and successful lives they now lead.

You are invited too! Register for our conference today.


Learn Love

Love is not to be taken for granted.

Like all good things, it must be learned, cherished, and practiced – at all ages – in order to strengthen it.

This year we begin our new parent enrichment program (PEP).

PEP will give parents and teachers the opportunity to learn from one another.

We will be exploring the science of childhood development and supporting one another in building compassionate understanding for our children and for ourselves.


Celebrate Love

This year, we celebrate 40 years of love.

We celebrate a vision of love that came true through forty years of service.

For forty years, teachers who chose Rainbow have dedicated themselves to enriching the lives of the children and families who chose love.


Serve Love

Ten years ago, I myself chose Rainbow.

And I chose Rainbow, like many of you, in large part because of our legacy of love.

I’ve seen our community grow and change dramatically over the last ten years, and always come back to that foundation of love.

I have learned that love often looks like service, and service is the best way to spread love.

I welcome your visits, insights, and questions as we continue to build on our foundation.

Let us each serve, in our own unique ways, so as to better extend ourselves into a socially just, environmentally sustainable, and spiritually fulfilling future.


Choose Love

I am so glad your family chose to be a part of our 40 year legacy of love.

A school based on love becomes an extension of home. We are honored to be a part of your loved one’s home, and by extension, part of your family.

To a year filled with love, inspired by learning, and committed to service.



Renee Owen Executive Director

Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year!

Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year!


July 27, 2015

Dear Rainbow Parent,

Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year. At our graduation celebration in June, I asked everyone to reflect on the question “Where are you now?” Of course, this can be looked at through many domains. As a parent, where are you now? Parenting can be the most rewarding and challenging quest of all – providing unlimited learning opportunities.   Where are you now, and how is being at Rainbow Community School an extension of your parenting?

Where are we now as a community school?   After working so hard for so many years, everything we have been working for is coming to fruition. We are at a place of ripening, and we all get to share in the fruit of our labor. Here are some of the things we have to be grateful for and to enjoy:

Our new and beautiful facilities. We begin the 2015-16 school year with our new campus renovated and open, including the new courtyard and athletic field. This year’s facility project will be designing and fundraising for the outdoor classroom area on the new campus. Stay posted for more information and ways to get involved in this fun, enriching project.

Our community. After growing steadily for several years, we have completed our intentional growth, with about 200 students enrolled for this year. Now we have the opportunity to focus on broadening our population. The board and faculty are making diversity and inclusion the highest priority for the near future. Our children are fortunate to be in a caring, safe, and creative community.

Our accomplishments. We have received multiple awards, including being honored as a national Ashoka Changemaker School and a National Green School. As a national leader in holistic and innovative education, we are being asked to share our holistic programming with other schools and organizations. We hope to positively impact the direction of education on a large scale.

There are a few changes this year I want you to know about:

New Administrative Roles: As our administrative team grows to include more part-time, specialized positions, our roles are shifting. Sandra McCassim is stepping up to the role of Director of Operations. Sandra is now the top manager at the school. A simple way to explain the difference between what Sandra and I do is: I lead; Sandra manages. The difference between leadership and management may seem subtle, and of course, there is a lot of cross-over. I encourage you to read the “Meet the Administrative Team” flier for more explanation.

The New Middle School Program: Our new campus is ready to serve up to 60 middle school students. When I first came to Rainbow, there were 14 students in 6th-8th grade, so the middle school program and curriculum has been through more changes than any other sector of the school. If you have attended graduation and witnessed the profound speeches these young people make, you understand how rigorous and impactful the middle school program is. With the new size of the program and new facilities, middle school students will have a menu of new electives to choose from this year – everything from 3D printing to drama to facilities management. The core of the program will remain the same, which is character building through intimate relationships.

What’s ahead, and what is here and now.

We have a visionary board, faculty, and volunteer base that is working to take us into the future. We plan to positively impact Asheville, as a community. Each year, it will become more evident how much we are integrating with the community at large by hosting events in our community center/auditorium, by providing service and philanthropy, by giving students and parents opportunities to connect, and more.

The future we are all most enthusiastic about is that of each individual child. But for now, let’s circle back around to the present. Where is your child now? Enjoy these last days of summer. Enjoy your child’s ability to completely immerse her or himself in the present moment. Savor each moment, as there will never be another moment exactly like it again. You will be amazed by how much your child will have learned and changed in a mere ten months when we gather again for our graduation celebration.

I look forward to this year of gratitude.

In peace,

Renee Owen
Executive Director

2014 Welcome Letter to Parents

2014 Welcome Letter to Parents


August 6, 2014

Dear Rainbow Parents,

This is my favorite communication of the year – the letter welcoming you to the upcoming school year!  As an educator, I can tell you that the beginning of the school year is as full of excitement and anticipation for the staff as it is for the students.  Every year brings so much promise.

Ashoka Changemaker School

Last year’s welcome letter predicted that Rainbow Community School was entering a new era.  Indeed, it was a banner year.  We earned multiple local, state, and national awards, the most notable at the state level being the first Green School of Excellence in North Carolina, and at the national level becoming an Ashoka Changemaker School.

As a result of our Changemaker status, we are being asked to present at national conferences and to write for important educational blogs, such as Edutopia.  Rainbow is being recognized as the cutting-edge leader in education that we are.  Of course, the biggest, most dramatic change over the last year was doubling the size of our campus!

In one year we shifted from being a small school with unpredictable enrollment, to being near capacity for enrollment and having the ability to powerfully affect the future for our children, our community, and for education on a broader scale.  It truly is the beginning of a new era.

We have accomplished something rare for a non-profit organization by going through tremendous change, yet coming through it with more stability than ever before.  Pat yourselves on the back for being a part of it and making it happen!

Contacting Alumni

With all this change, it is important now, more than ever, to be true to who we are.  We will be contacting alumni families, both recent and from as far back as possible, to remind them that they are always welcome on campus and forever a part of the community.

We will strive to share our good fortune as much as possible by partnering with, and donating to, Children First/Communities in Schools, providing tutoring at Deaverview Housing Project, and by doing other valuable service work; plus we will begin providing auditorium space to the wider community at our new facility.

Speaking of the new facility, please see the update on the Rainbow Rising Capital Campaign.  Thanks to your donation dollars, the donated time and expertise of Christopher Fox Builders and Rowhouse Architects, and Max Mraz’s (facility manager) coordination, the first phase of construction is 95% complete, under-budget, and ahead of schedule! (Yes, it has been a busy summer!)

We will have a certificate of occupancy before school begins for the auditorium and for the new Omega (7th/8th grade) space which will be on the new campus.  What a huge transformation… and the biggest phase of construction is yet to come.

Parent Summit Night – Sept. 29

Please mark your calendar now for Monday evening, September 29.  We are requesting that at least one parent from every family attend the Rainbow Parent Summit that night.

Typically, we schedule this required meeting for February, but this year we are moving it all the way up to September 29 because much of that night will be focused on creating a facilities plan for the future of Rainbow.

How Can Rainbow Fully Serve Your Family?

We will be going into the next phase of construction in January, and need your dreams, desires, and creative ideas before then – both regarding the future of our facilities, and also our program.  How can Rainbow more fully serve your family? More information on this board-hosted event will be coming from board chair, Claudia Konijn.

Based on feedback from parents, the administration has grown so that we can better serve the school’s needs.  Cynthia Calhoun, woman of many talents, will still be teaching Spanish 1/3 time, and for the other 2/3 she will be heading up community coordinating and communications, including social media, marketing, and running the website.

We have also been fortunate to hire Sara Stender for part-time development management for the fall fundraising campaign.

The faculty continues to grow and become even more dynamic with each year!

Biographies of new staff members can be seen on the Rainbow website. The teachers have been busy preparing their classrooms, updating curriculums, and attending summer trainings.  The staff will spend the 10 days before school starts together, preparing ourselves in every domain, including spiritually.

Visible Thinking and Singapore Math

Throughout the year the staff engages in extensive training.  This upcoming year, we continue to sharpen our skills in Harvard Graduate School’s Visible Thinking tools and Singapore Math.

The new staff training theme for the upcoming year is in the area of teaching kids how to have agency through engineering and systems thinking.  You will receive much more information on this, but what we mean by the word agency in this context is having power and being able to make a difference.

Teachers will be learning about the maker movement and how kids can learn to engineer electronics, robotics, and to think in terms of systems and how best to affect change through innovation.

Susie’s fourth grade class will pilot this program this year.  If your child isn’t in fourth grade, feel free to stop by her fourth grade classroom to see their “tinkering table” which is essentially a kid-friendly work bench and to ask Susie what “tinkering” has to do with giving kids power.

Student Support Services

Also new for the upcoming year, we have completely revamped the student support services program.  Every student needing special support will be paired with an advocate who will help the student and the family with the support plan, communication, and advocating for each student’s needs.

An excellent student support program doesn’t just benefit students with special needs, but enhances the educational experience of all children by creating classrooms where all kids experience success.  The student support team is now headed by Ali Banchiere.  We have added a counselor to the team.  Blake Smith, formerly counselor at Carolina Day School, will be working on a limited schedule to put together the initial pieces of a budding counseling program at Rainbow.

All of this and much more is carefully crafted to create an environment for your child(ren) to thrive at Rainbow in 2014/15 – a safe space where there are magical arms of a whole community enfolding them and all the resources necessary for children to take risks and try out their agency.

Of course, that looks quite different at different levels of development – from three year olds learning to zip their own coats, 3rd graders navigating their first social dramas, 6th graders experimenting with new personas, and Omegans peering into their soul and preparing themselves for high school and beyond.  What will the future bring?

Thank you for joining Rainbow for this journey.

As executive director, I am honored, humbled, to be a part of such an awesome community and a vibrant future, as reflected in the eyes of your children.

Please – please – don’t assume I am too busy to have a conversation on the deck or to see you in my office.  (Although we have grown so much – over 400 people including kids, parents, staff — you may need to remind me of your name!) One-on-one conversations are the best opportunities to connect and my favorite part of my job.  I care, and I am here.

Let’s get ready for another great year.

Blessings on the journey,







Renee Owen

Executive Director