Welcome to the Rainbow Community School Blog!
RCS News and Updates
We are so excited to share with you everything that makes Rainbow such a unique blend of holistic education, academic excellence, social responsibility, and integrated community. Here you can find our reflections on the seven domains, our opinions on mindfulness in schools, our upcoming events, and how we’re revolutionizing education from the inside out. Explore the posts below to get a sense of what being part of the Rainbow community is all about.
November Kaleidoscope 2019
November Kaleidoscope Symbolic Events It’s only the beginning of November, yet we have already completed several cycles and symbolic events at Rainbow this school year. We have welcomed new families and new students, who by now are hopefully feeling a sense of...
First Grade Rocks the Rock Cycle
Learning about the Rock Cycle First graders have been studying the rock cycle, and they're learning it through the seven domains: the mental domain, creative, and natural, among others. The story of Piedra Have you heard of Piedra? She's the main character in the...
Omega Students Discuss Character Strengths & What Makes a Changemaker
Character Strengths & Being a Changemaker Recently, Omega 7/8 students gathered in a circle in the Social Studies room to talk about their character strengths, how all that ties in with learning, and being a changemaker. In a previous class, they watched a short...
5 Reasons to Attend the Omega Open House
You can learn so much at the Omega Middle School Open House Our Omega Middle School Open House is right around the corner. We hope you will take some time to be part of this event, no matter your child's grade in elementary school or middle school. It gives you an...
Words Have Power Summer Camp at Rainbow publishes book!
Words Have Power Summer Camp In summer 2019, Rainbow Community School had the Words Have Power summer camp. April Fox taught this camp with such incredible results! This camp was for ages 10-13, with a total of 10 students attending for the week. The students who...
Kaleidoscope – September 2019
Kaleidoscope A publication by Renee Owen for parents to get a better understanding of what's happening through her perspective I believe that every child should feel utterly special. That’s what we are aiming for at Rainbow. Therefore, in early September, when I found...
Collaboration and Renewal Before the First Days of School
Collaboration and Renewal Collaboration and Renewal: two key words that describe what it is for faculty to come back together for ten days of training before the start of school. Faculty and staff began their August workdays with something that is so integral to...
Imagine 2019 – Who Be The Whoman
https://vimeo.com/346434043 Imagine 2019 - Who Be the Whoman? Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going? These are the questions humans have been asking themselves for as long as they have dwelt in this world. But how to answer such eternal questions? As...
Kaleidoscope – May 2019
Kaleidoscope - May 2019 I am the earth and the earth is me. Each blade of grass, each honey bee / each bit of mud, and stick and stone / is blood and muscle, skin and bone. I am the earth and the earth is me! ~One of Rainbow’s May Day songs The song “I Am the Earth...
What to do when your child is anxious
When your child is anxious In the two decades I have been in education, it has been alarming to watch the levels of anxiety increase in children. Child anxiety has become widespread, often crippling youngsters of the self-assuredness they need to be happy and...
Kaleidoscope March 2019
Happy Spring - Kaleidoscope March 2019 Happy Spring, everyone. We made it through winter! I am reminded of the line from the Merle Haggard song, “If we make it through December, everything’s going to be all right.” The thing is, I always wondered why Merle doesn’t...
Heart of the Matter – February 2019
In this edition of Heart of the Matter, Renee talks about Ends Policy #3: Community Resource. RCS is a community and as such, it serves as a resource for students, families, and staff.
Student Flipbooks Illustrate Newton’s Laws of Motion
Newton's Laws of Motion We stepped into sixth grade recently to find them learning about Newton's Laws of Motion. But it wasn't just any science class. The Kitsune created flipbooks to illustrate their understanding of these universal laws. The first law of motion is...
Kaleidoscope – January 2019
Kaleidoscope January, 2019 From the age of six to fourteen I took violin lessons but had no luck with my teachers, for whom music did not transcend mechanical practicing. I really began to learn only after I had fallen in love with Mozart’s sonatas. The attempt to...
Winter Program 2018
Imagine 2018 – It’s About Time
Kaleidoscope, October 2018 I wrote this Kaleidoscope before we had another national tragedy occur: The Tree of Life Synagogue massacre. It is with a broken heart that I add this “introduction” to Kaleidoscope. Collaborative for Spirituality in Education As I write, I...
All in a day’s work
So many things...all in a day's work Sacred geometry, science experiments, and literacy - all in a day's work. Maybe not even a day's work, but in the span of an hour and a half, students experienced some incredible learning. Language Arts It was mid-morning, and...