Our circle at our All Hands on Deck parent meeting

Our circle at our All Hands on Deck parent meeting

Rainbow Community School has the opportunity of a lifetime: to acquire the church property adjacent to the campus.

We are a growing community in West Asheville.

Right now, our school has the highest enrollment in our 35-year history.

Our strategic plan compels puts us on the road to better-serve our current families, begin providing services and programming for alumni, promote our educational model all over the world, and ensure that the integrity and legacy of Rainbow remains stronger than ever

To that end, we’re bursting at the seams!

Sometimes opportunities come along that compel us to take action. And we must take action now.

An Opportunity to Increase the Size of Our Campus

The West Asheville Church of God is for sale – right next to Rainbow!

It is 2.64 acres of land and 3 buildings with 14,400 sq. ft.

This will allow RCS to fulfill nine identified needs:

  1. A community sanctuary
  2. A community garden
  3. Student support services
  4. Art and music classrooms
  5. Meeting rooms/community classrooms
  6. Parking
  7. A performance hall
  8. An athletic field & outdoor play space

….and most importantly…

9. Adequate space for classes!

The Capital Campaign – Rainbow Rising

In order to acquire the property, we must embark upon a Capital Campaign.

On Thursday 26 September 2013, we had an All Hands on Deck meeting.

Parents and Rainbow Community members gathered together. We had a Centering to put is in the mindset of being aware of our blessings and looking forward to the future with so much potential.

RCS parents had a chance to tour the church:

We began with Centering in the Community Center of the church

We began with Centering in the Community Center of the church

As with all of our Rainbow events, we begin with Centering. This time, it was at the Community Center at the current West Asheville Church of God. This allowed us to get a real feel for the new space.

Micah Pulleyn is an RCS parent who is heading up our Capital Campaign. Can you offer your time/talent/services as well?

Micah Pulleyn is an RCS parent who is heading up our Capital Campaign. Can you offer your time/talent/services as well?

If you have questions, you can contact Micah regarding our Capital Campaign. We need “all hands” to make this opportunity a reality.

If you can, we need volunteers who have skills and strengths in the following areas:

  • office/clerical
  • IT/tech
  • event planning
  • food/drink
  • social media
  • networking
  • running errands
  • photography
  • writing
  • graphic design
  • fundraising
  • hosting events
  • willingness to make phone calls
  • music/entertainment
RCS community members signing up to help

RCS community members signing up to help

If you want to help we will have plenty of opportunities. **See dates below for more details.

During this Campaign meeting, community members had a chance to see the sanctuary. Renee asked everyone to write down, in one word, something that captures their vision, aspiration and hopes for Rainbow Community School on a card.

Renee, Director of RCS, writing down her intention

Renee, Director of RCS, writing down her intention

As we gathered in the sanctuary space, Renee had everyone place that card in a basket to embrace the realm of possibility.

Will you help us Embrace The Realm Of Possibility?

Will you help us Embrace The Realm Of Possibility?

At Rainbow Community School, we have

  • a vision
  • a dream
  • a wish

We need your help to realize our goal.

One vision. One dream. One wish.

One vision.
One dream.
One wish.

Our vision: acquire the church property. Pictured: members of the Rainbow community touring the church.

Our vision: acquire the church property.
Pictured: members of the Rainbow community touring the church.

The church property will usher Rainbow Community School into a new era.

We have big plans for the property

We have big plans for the property

The property will provide Rainbow Community with the space it needs to fully blossom.

The Rainbow Rising! Capital Campaign includes five phases:


The first four phases of the Capital Campaign


An additional Phase 5 is not included in the Rainbow Rising Campaign. (Its costs are to be determined. Phase 5 funds will be from other revenues/sources raised in other years.)

**We will have another parent meeting regarding our campaign. If you would like more information, please consider attending our presentation at

MG Road

Monday 30 September

7-9 pm

$10 cover charge