About Omega Middle School
The middle school at Rainbow Community SchoolAcademics
Omega Middle School’s holistic, experiential and project-based approach to education is vitally important during the middle school years when children experience tremendous cognitive, emotional and biological changes. Our program challenges students to know themselves as academic learners, have a strong sense of personal self worth and find their voice to express themselves authentically. The low teacher-to-student ratio, rigorous individualized curriculum and Seven Domains™ approach makes the Omega program an extraordinary middle school.
To achieve these goals, the faculty at Omega Middle School is focused on one thing: your child. Teachers invest their time to get to know each student and create a caring relationship that inspires each to achieve their best. Simply put, a good school knows each student by name, at Omega Middle School we know your child by heart.
Omega Middle School’s holistic, experiential and project-based approach to education is vitally important during the middle school years when children experience tremendous cognitive, emotional and biological changes. Our program challenges students to know themselves as academic learners, have a strong sense of personal self worth and find their voice to express themselves authentically. The low teacher-to-student ratio, rigorous individualized curriculum and Seven Domains approach makes the Omega program an extraordinary middle school.

To achieve these goals, the faculty at Omega Middle School is focused on one thing: your child. Teachers invest their time to get to know each student and create a caring relationship that inspires each to achieve their best. Simply put, a good school knows each student by name, at Omega Middle School we know your child by heart.

A glimpse of our powerful Omega program
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Omega Middle School.
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Seven Domains
Rainbow Community School is a Seven Domains School. We teach using the natural, physical, social, emotional, creative, mental, and spiritual domains.
Seven Domains
What Sets Us Apart
From a blended approach to teaching, to positive discipline and compassionate communication, we have unique elements that set our school apart.
What Sets Us Apart
Understanding the principle that emotional and social stability is a requisite for academic success, students start each day in Omega Middle School with centering as a practice of mindfulness.
This is a unique time designed to build community, strengthen character, and encourage ethical decision making while placing value in multiple perspectives. As an end result, this creates empathy, or what many are calling the EQ (emotional intelligence). Students set the tone for their day and are fueled for greatness.
Rainbow Community School
Omega Middle School (Grades 6-8) is part of Rainbow Community School. Click to learn more about RCS.
Rainbow Community School
Rainbow Community School strives for excellence not just in academics, but in multiple programs and areas.
Annual Reports
Take a look at our annual reports from recent school years.
Annual Reports
Historical Summary
Rainbow Community School opened its doors in 1978, founded by three Sufi mystics. Read about our vibrant history that has allowed our educational approach to grow and evolve.
Historical Summary
Mission and Vision
Read about our Mission and Vision, as well as our Guiding Principles.
Mission and Vision
Our Campus
Take a virtual tour of our school.
Our Campus
4th – 8th Grade Division Head, Trey Thompson
Find out more about Omega Middle School including what makes it unique, its strengths, the electives program and more
Developmentally, the middle school years are vastly different.
The adolescent experience is different across the grade levels. Our Omega program is tailored to meet the needs of students as they work through these diffffernt stages of adolescence. In 6th grade, students transitioning from an emelentary classroom and culture, learn and build on skills that delevop their independence and autonmy. As students move through Omega into 7th grade, we focus on the development of their personal identity and values. Our 8th graders are presented with experiences customized to their reality of the coming transition to high school.
Through the entirety of the Omega program, students are guided by deep and meaningful relationships with their teachers. These relationships are critical in creating belonging and support the academic and personal growth of each student. As students move on from Omega, they are prepared to tackle new challenges and experiences with confidence in their skill set, a clarity of their values, and an awareness of the world around them and how they chose to navigate it.
Rainbow has never given me an identity to conform to,
but rather a platform upon which to create my own.
– Eamon M., RCS Alumni ’22
Listen to a parent testimonial below, and how some of our recent alumni experienced their transition to high school. You will hear each describe our middle school approach and they may even leave you in awe. Take a tour to experience the difference yourself. We look forward to seeing you soon.
Come Explore
The best way to experience Rainbow Community School is first-hand. We encourage you to make an appointment to tour our campus and discover the magic of learning.
Click to book a tour. You will be taken to Rainbow Community School’s website to complete your information.