Imagine 2019 – Who Be the Whoman?

Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going?

These are the questions humans have been asking themselves for as long as they have dwelt in this world. But how to answer such eternal questions? As we always have… with a story.

This story is set in the pre-human world, and it is told from the point of view of the animals. Several animals discover the “soul seed” of a mysterious creature. They learn it is the soul seed of the “whoman,” and it will be very different type of animal — powerful beyond imagination. Knowing that their world will be forever changed when this “whoman” seed awakens, what should they do with it? Should they protect it…or are they better off without it? Can they love and support this new creature, despite, or because of, its awesome potential?

Heavy questions for a grade school play, but here we are in 2019!

Learning through the arts

As always, this year’s Imagine is an original play, with almost all original music written and composed by teachers and the children. Imagine uses the arts as a medium to explore complex questions and to revel in what creative and vibrant creatures we are. Through the arts, children can learn concepts far beyond their years, and they can express wisdom beyond what any facts could ever convey.

In an age when facts are often labeled as “fake,” the arts speak the Truth. Thank you for supporting the arts at Rainbow, and thank you for providing your child with an education that matters. May you leave Imagine with renewed hope for the world, because that is what your child brings to us every day.

~Renee Owen, Executive Director & Justin Pilla, Rainbow Creative Coordinator

Download the Program PDF here: imagine 2019 – Who Be The Whoman
