Jessy Tickle – Health & Safety Coordinator and Database Manager

Jessy’s love of young children brought her to Rainbow in the spring of 1997 and she served as a preschool teacher until 2015. As an educator, Jessy particularly enjoyed sharing her love of the arts with her students and supporting their growth and development in the emotional and creative domains. Jessy was a top ten recipient of the Terri Lynne Lokoff National Child Care Teaching Award in 2012. She joined the administrative support team in 2015 and continues to uphold the school’s mission by partnering with administration, teachers, and parents through her roles as the Health and Safety Coordinator, Database Administrator, and Administrative Assistant. Jessy approaches health and safety at RCS and OMS through the holistic lens of the Seven Domains. In addition to physical safety, a commitment to equity and the emotional safety and well-being of students and staff is at the forefront of her work.

Jessy enjoys exploring a variety of arts and is a seasoned dabbler in everything from fine arts to crafts, dancing, and music. She also enjoys reading, camping, and pretending she is a gardener. Jessy lives with her husband, her two children, two dogs, and serves as a caregiver for a disabled family member. Jessy can reached at: