Rainbow Learning Curriculum & Outcomes
Curriculum maps and outcomes
Curriculum Maps For Each Grade Level
Our curriculum meets a high level of excellence with regard to academics. Below are sample curriculum maps and topics. As a school, we are actively engaged in place-based learning and our curriculum is ever-evolving.
Humanities/Social Studies
Our Place on the Earth
Personal geography
Maps & Globes
Journey Around the World
-The continents
-Customs & Traditions
-Myths & Folktales
-World figures
U.S. holidays
U.S. elections
Service Learning/ Community Service Project
The 5 Senses
The 4 Elements
Introduction to Cycles of Life
-Seasonal cycle
-Butterfly life cycle
-Water cycle
-Plant/tree life cycle
-Introduction to classification of living things
Introduction to World Biomes & Animals
Conservation Practices
Citizen Science Project & the Scientific Method
First Grade
Humanities/Social Studies
Local & Regional History
Appalachian geography
-Customs & Traditions
-Immigrants & Settlers
African Cultures
-Arts & Crafts
-Music & Language
-Spirituality & Traditions
Island Culture
-Emphasizing Gullah Geechee culture and African influences
Lives of Changemakers/People of Peace
-Emphasizing impact and personal connection
Service Learning/Community Service Project
Local & Regional Ecology
– Trees
– Geology
– Animals
○ Classification
○ Life Cycles
○ Food Chain
○ Adaptations
African Biome Ecology
Ocean Ecology
-Water cycling from the mountains to sea
-Oceanic layers
-Aquatic animals
○ Fish
○ Amphibians
○ Mammals
Nutrition, Hygiene & the Human Body
Citizen Science Project & the Scientific Method
Second Grade
Humanities/Social Studies
Characteristics of Community
-Physical environment
-Social environment
-Community roles
Native American Culture
-Arts & Crafts
-Myth & Folklore
-Music & Language
-Spirituality & Traditions
-Traditional Cherokee Culture
Mapping Skills
-Including continents and countries
Service Learning/ Community Service Project
Exploration of Fables and Fairy Tales
Weather & Water
-Earth’s atmosphere & water cycle
-Measuring weather
-Characteristics & Classification
-Life cycle
Animals in Winter
Citizen Science Project & the Scientific Method
Third Grade
Humanities/Social Studies
Cradle of Civilization
-Science, technology and innovation
-Creation Myths & Folklore
United States Study
-U.S. Heroes
Mapping and Compass Skills
-Including 50 states
Service Learning/ Community Service Project
Solar System
The Human Body
-Nervous System
-Circulatory System
-Respiratory System
Environments/ Habitats
-Emphasizing bird habitats & reptiles habitats
-Explore evolution of dinosaurs, birds and reptiles
Simple Machines
-6 Simple Machines
-Inventions, Design & Engineering
Citizen Science Project & the Scientific Method
Fourth Grade
Humanities/Social Studies
Ancient Civilizations
-Egypt, Greece & Rome
-Myth & Folklore
Service Learning/ Community Service Project
-Plant Anatomy & Physiology
-Gardening & Nutrition
-Rock cycle
-Rock classification
-Fossils & paleontology
Energy & Electricity
Technology & Coding
Citizen Science Project & the Scientific Method
Fifth Grade
Humanities/Social Studies
American Colonization
Revolutionary War
Government & Civics
-Founding Documents
-Engaged Citizenship
Westward Expansion
-Including mapping & orienteering
Service Learning/ Community Service Project
-Interaction of Abiotic & Biotic Factors
-Energy Transfer
French Broad Watershed
-River health and erosion
-Water movement through the ecosystem
-Composting Magnetism
Citizen Science Project & the Scientific Method
Sixth Grade
Humanities/Social Studies
World Indigenous Cultures
-Ancient India
-Mesoamerica (Aztecs, Inca, Maya)
-Origin and foundation texts and beliefs of world religion
Middle Ages
-Fall of Roman Empire
-Age of Discovery
Lives of Changemakers/ Activists & People of Peace Social
Entrepreneurship Project
Service Learning/ Community Service Project
Forces in Motion
-Newton’s 3 laws of motion
-Review of simple machines
Binomial classification of plants and animals
Citizen Science Project & Journey North Seasonal Sunlight
Study The Scientific Method & Engineering Design Process
7th/8th Grade
Humanities/Social Studies Year A
First Encounter/ Colonization
American Revolution
Civil War
Civil Rights & Social Revolution
Information Age/ Innovation Age
Current Events
Service Learning/ Community Service Project
Sciences Year A
Watershed Ecology
Nature of Science (including science processes and stories of scientists and their work)
The Scientific Method
-Science Fair
Human Body
Astronomy Intensive
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Renewable vs. Nonrenewable Energies
-Energy transfer
Citizen Science Project
Humanities/Social Studies B
Americans who tell the Truth
Industrial Revolution
Geography/ Resource Distribution
World War I
Great Depression/ Harlem Renaissance
World War II/ World Colonization and Modern Empire Building
Cold War
Current Events
Sciences Year B
Innovation and the Design Thinking Process
-Design Fair
-Introduction to atoms, elements and the periodic table
-Chemical reactions
-Climate chemistry
○ Nature of carbon dioxide
○ Atmospheric chemistry
○ Carbon cycle
○ CO2 levels through time
Citizen Science Project
What is Life?
-Introduction to Biology
-Cell Structures and Functions
Rainbow Seven Domains™ Outcomes
Invisible Toggle
Physical Domain Outcomes
Students experience growth in the physical domain through movement, dance, P.E., sport and tactile activities, lessons and programming that emphasize theses various aspects of the Physical Domain.
Kinesthetic Awareness
- Assesses and manages personal space, body language and surroundings.
- Recognizes and respects the personal space of others.
- Expresses learning through physical activity.
Fine Motor Skills
- Demonstrates dexterity and eye-hand coordination by manipulating small objects.
- Expresses handwriting in a clear fashion.
Gross Motor Skills
- Demonstrates control of body through strength, endurance, speed, agility, balance and flexibility.
Health & Well-Being
- Applies knowledge of:
-Nutrition, fitness, hygiene and healthy habits,
-Sex and drug education. - Engages challenge to foster growth.
- Appreciates diverse body types in self and others.
Natural Domain Outcomes
Students develop an enduring relationship with nature through exposure to these various aspects of the Natural Domain.
Reverence for Nature
- Exhibits a sense of wonder and awe for Nature.
- Draws inspiration and passion from communion with the natural world.
Nature Engagement
- Observes, inquires, and categorizes elements of nature and natural systems.
- Connects to natural environment through play, exploration and expression.
Stewardship & Environmental Action
- Exhibits ethical responsibility for the Earth by participating in personal, local, regional, and global efforts.
- Demonstrates and applies an understanding of the interconnectedness of energy and matter.
Scientific Knowledge
- Applies Scientific Methodologies to build an understanding of natural phenomena.
- Demonstrates a basic conceptual literacy of Life Science, Physical Science, Earth Science, Environmental Science and the web of life.
Social Domain Outcomes
Students will have the competencies necessary to set and achieve personal and collective goals in these various aspects of the Social Domain.
- Demonstrates intrapersonal awareness.
- Recognizes personal significance and belonging.
- Contributes to the community in ways that are meaningful to oneself.
- Creates boundaries to maintain healthy relationships.
- Explores challenge and uncertainty to encourage growth and confidence.
- Communicates feelings and needs respectfully, resolves peer conflict using Compassionate Communication.
- Interprets verbal and nonverbal cues.
- Demonstrates appropriate body language.
- Practices active listening.
Social Responsibility
- Demonstrates literacy in civic knowledge, social justice, and cultural competence.
- Engages in citizenship through ethical action, community service and service learning.
- Makes decisions that reflect moral principles and values.
- Considers the implications of choices on self, classroom, school and greater community.
- Demonstrates interpersonal awareness.
- Navigates the dynamics of a partnership or group by effectively applying cooperative skills.
- Values the contributions of others, makes connections while honoring differences in perspective.
Emotional Domain Outcomes
Students will have the competencies necessary to set and achieve personal and collective goals in these various aspects of the Emotional Domain:
- Displays awareness and consideration of emotions.
- Exhibits compassion and care for the world around them.
- Practices forgiveness.
Healthy Expression
- Channels emotions through a variety of mediums.
- Uses various tools to communicate compassionately in order to process emotions and meet needs.
Self-Care & Resilience
- Demonstrates the ability to remain centered amongst challenging circumstances.
- Responds to challenges with perseverance and a growth mindset.
- Manages emotions with discernment and self-acceptance.
Emotional Literacy
- Demonstrates the ability to recognize and reflect on one’s feelings, thoughts and needs.
- Develops a comprehensive emotional vocabulary.
Invisible Toggle
Creative Domain Outcomes
Students will have the competencies necessary to set and achieve personal and collective goals in these various aspects of the Creative Domain.
Imagination & Innovation
- Inspired by the world around them.
- Conceives ideas spontaneously and improvises.
- Conceptualizes / visualizes thoughts and images.
- Employs divergent thinking, innovative problem solving, risk taking and playful exploration.
- Employs patience and persistence.
- Embraces challenge and values critique.
- Refines practice through iteration.
Product & Execution
- Understands and utilizes a variety of mediums to express oneself.
- Demonstrates craftsmanship through skillful technique.
- Upholds a quality standard for the final product and presents with confidence.
Art Appreciation
- Demonstrates literacy in art history and cultural creative forms of expression.
- Values aesthetics.
- Reflects on and draws meaning from various forms of art, including one’s own.
- Draws meaning from various cultural and individual forms of expression.
Mental Domain Outcomes
Students will have the competencies necessary to set and achieve personal and collective goals in these various aspects of the Mental Domain.
- Embodies wonder and curiosity.
- Utilizes meaningful reflection and questioning skills.
- Explores concepts deeply.
- Appropriately utilizes diverse media resources and technological tools.
- Keeps personal and classroom materials neat.
- Practices time management skills.
- Utilizes effective note-taking techniques.
- Sets meaningful, measurable goals.
- Extrapolates concepts.
- Correlates and synthesizes ideas.
- Analyzes and evaluates data.
- Assigns meaning and cohesively expresses beliefs while supporting those concepts with verbal and/or written facts.
- Recognizes patterns and solves puzzles.
- Absorbs and accesses information.
- Follows instructions.
- Adheres to academic conventions.
Spiritual Domain Outcomes
Students experience growth in the spiritual domain through exposure to these aspects of the Spiritual Domain:
Mystery & Contemplation
- Embraces the unknown as a source of inspiration and wonder.
- Seeks meaning and purpose through deep reflection.
- Appreciates the sacredness of all life.
Spiritual Virtues
- Embodies qualities such as compassion, respect, faith, and reverence for self and others.
Celebration & Ceremony
- Participates authentically.
- Contributes actively.
World Traditions
- Recognizes diverse approaches to religion and spirituality.
- Demonstrates knowledge of and respect for various cultural myths and practices.
- Identifies and utilizes archetypes to understand and inform the human experience.
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