Rainbow Mountain Foundation

Rainbow Mountain Foundation

Each ribbon has a name of a donor.

Each one of us in this private school community are committed to making it a better place for our children and students. As parents we want to send our kids to a school that fits with our family values, our beliefs in the goodness of the human race, a school that nurtures them, is an emotionally safe place  and that teaches them a life long love of learning.

We found it here, at Rainbow Mountain Children’s School. We are committed. We pay the tuition. We volunteer our time. We participate in fund raisers. We support our child’s teacher.

However there is more we can do. We can, each one of us, make a financial contribution to the Rainbow Mountain Foundation. Why, on top of everything else we do? The Rainbow Mountain Foundation helps all of us in return. The Foundation provides the funds necessary to nurture discovery through grants for teachers to purchase special equipment and teaching supplements. They provide the funds that some of our community members need to be able to attend Rainbow. And this year they will raise the funds to expand our  facilities. They are making Rainbow a better place for the entire community.

Each ribbon you see on the deck is a thank you to a family for making that commitment to strengthen the Rainbow Mountain community by contributing to the Rainbow Mountain Foundation this school year. The campaign is still young, but we hope all the strings will be full of ribbons — creating a beautiful work of art–as a symbol of how each of you, individually, help create beauty as a whole.

We invite you to help strengthen our educational community by giving to the Foundation! It is our hope that every RMCS family will make an intentional commitment to our fundraising campaign for the benefit of all. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.


Scholastic Book Fair is at Rainbow Mountain

Scholastic Book Fair is at Rainbow Mountain

The Scholastic Book Fair is now underway at Rainbow Mountain Children’s School. There is a great selection of gift books, preschool books, teen books, fiction and nonfiction and even some cookbooks. I think the hottest seller so far is the new “Diary of a Whimpy Kid; Cabin Fever”. Everybody loves it and if you haven’t yet read any of the Whimpy Kid Diaries you can purchase all of them at our book fair.

The book fair continues this afternoon, 2:30 to 4:30 and tomorrow, Wednesday 7 December 8:00 to 9:30 and 1:00 to 4:00. Come check it out.

You can also shop online at Scholastic’s site where the selection is even greater. Shop during our fair and all sales earn books for our school.