Heart of the Matter – Education From the Heart, For the Heart

Heart of the Matter – Education From the Heart, For the Heart

In this issue, Rainbow’s Executive Director Renee’s article is titled “Education from the Heart, for the Heart.”

You may have seen the phrase “Education from the Heart for the Heart” as a tag line in some of Rainbow’s advertisements. This isn’t just a catchy phrase. Certainly, it speaks to the loving care that Rainbow teachers provide, but it means even more: Rainbow believes that we are at the forefront of a societal shift to a more heart-centered era.

If we are to create a society that is peaceful, sustainable, and spiritually fulfilling, it is going to happen one heart at a time. At Rainbow, we believe we are helping to usher in a more heart centered era by educating our children holistically. This issue of Heart of the Matter describes heart centered education and explains what the term “heart-centered” really means.

Download the August issue